24/7 Ambulance cover Territory wide
St John NT provides 24/7 emergency, road, ambulance and patient transport services to Territorians under contract to the Northern Territory Government.
Our services include:
St John NT Clinical Practice Manual
The guidelines within this document are evidence based and promote the provision of contemporary, quality and safe delivery of clinical interventions at all levels.
Their ongoing development combines current research with expert consensus on best practice, reviewed by a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians.
The Clinical Practice Manual, accompanied by structured education, is supported by our clinical governance framework to ensure we are well placed to deliver care in all circumstances, across all clinical levels anywhere in the Northern Territory.
Through the constant review and updating of these guidelines, we will ensure that our community receives the best possible care.
How to call 000
If you have a medical emergency now please call 000 or 112 from mobiles and ask for AMBULANCE
People with hearing or speech impairment can contact triple zero by calling 106 (one, zero, six) through a TTY (teletypewriter) or a computer with modem. This is a text based emergency service.
When you dial 000, your call will be answered by a Telstra 000 operator who will ask you which service you require, Police, Fire or Ambulance. Ask for AMBULANCE and stay on the line. Your call will be transferred to the Ambulance call centre and the operator will ask you the following questions:
What is the exact location of the emergency? Street, cross reference or landmark.
What phone number you are calling from? In case your call is terminated or more info is required
What is the problem, tell me exactly what happened? Provide a brief description of the situation
How many people are hurt?
How old is the person?
Is the person conscious (awake)?
Is the person breathing?
DO NOT HANG UP. The call taker will ask further questions relating to the emergency, these answers will assist the paramedics. There are many reasons we ask these questions, which assist us to send the correct level of care and to prioritise all of the emergencies from the most life threatening (requiring lights and sirens) to non-emergency cases. If necessary, the call taker may give you advice over the phone to assist the patient prior to the ambulance arrival. Remain calm and speak clearly, do not shout and remain on the phone until the paramedics arrive and the call taker advises you to hang up.
Tips for calling 000
For more information on triple zero (000) have a look at Triple Zero (000) or Triple Zero Kid's Challenge.
Copyright ©2025 All rights reserved | St John Ambulance Australia (NT) Inc.