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Media Releases | St John Ambulance
St John works with counterparts Towards Zero
  31 Jul 2024

St John NT has worked with other Northern Territory emergency services, community organisations and government departments to inform the Towards Zero Road Safety Action Plan 2024 – 2028 released last week.

All organisations collaborated by participating in the Towards Zero Road Safety Action Plan Round Table in Alice Springs and Darwin last year and provided feedback on a Discussion Paper to inform the development of the plan.

The Road Safety Action Plan has been developed to reduce road-related trauma, encourage a responsible road culture and motivate Territorians to be part of the solution to improve road safety.  Guided by the National Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan, the Road Safety Action Plan focuses on ten key priority areas under the Safe System themes of Safe Road Use, Safe Roads and Safe Vehicles.

Ambulance Services Director Andrew Thomas said that St John NT fully supported and endorsed the plan aimed at saving lives.

“Improving road safety outcomes is crucial,” he said. “This year we have already had 40 too many lives lost on our roads.”

He said every life lost on our roads impacts family, friends and the community, and also our first responders who arrive on scene.

“We hope that the community can assist us by becoming part of the solution to work towards zero deaths on our roads.”

With a significant increase in the number of lives lost on Territory roads this year, the release of the Road Safety Action Plan is an important step in working towards zero deaths and injuries on our roads. 

More information about the plan here

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