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As the Territory’s leading provider of emergency medical response and preparedness, we understand that the safety of our community is of the highest priority. This notice provides advice regarding our current COVID-19 Safety Plans and to assure you that we are operating in accordance with the Chief Health Officer’s COVID-19 Directions (No 55) 2021: Directions for mandatory vaccination workers to attend the workplace.
All St John NT staff and volunteers have been advised of the Chief Health Officer’s Directive and will be vaccinated by the required dates. We have also requested that all contractors on our sites comply with the health directives and are fully vaccinated.
St John NT has COVID-19 Safety Plans for each of its location and requires all visitors to our sites to complete the Territory Check In app on arrival. Other measures include physical distancing, increased hygiene protocols and a nominated COVID-19 safety supervisor at each of our sites.
All St John NT staff who visit client premises, for services such as first aid kit restocking or first aid training, will be vaccinated by the required dates and will act in accordance with the COVID-19 safety plans of those premises.
All St John NT volunteers and clinical staff who attend community and major events will be vaccinated by the required dates and will act in accordance with the COVID-19 safety plans of those sites.
As the Territory moves towards open borders, we understand that we will need to be vigilant in following the health directives and flexible with possible future changes.
We thank you for your understanding during this period.
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