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Media Releases | St John Ambulance
Hearts set racing in competition to save lives
  16 Oct 2023

Hearts were set racing as St John NT took to Darwin City to promote the importance of learning vital lifesaving skills ahead of Restart a Heart Day.

Every year around 30,000 people from Australia and New Zealand suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, with every minute a patient is in cardiac arrest not receiving CPR or AED shock, chances of survival drop by 10%.

St John NT Director of Ambulance Services Andrew Thomas said everyone can learn the skills to save a life.

“With 80% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happening in our homes, it could be one of your loved ones needing help,” he said. “It is vital that the public undertake vital CPR and AED training to potentially save a life.”

To help promote CPR and AED Awareness St John NT and NT Fire and Emergency Services went heart to heart in a friendly competition to raise awareness of CPR and demonstrate life-saving techniques.

This friendly rivalry between law enforcement and healthcare professionals highlights the importance of collaboration and skill-sharing in emergency situations.

St John NT trainers and volunteers were on hand to provide demonstrations and members of the public were encouraged to participate in the competition, attempting to keep the Brayden doll lit up for as long as possible using CPR techniques.

Attendees also took the opportunity to learn more about St John NT's initiatives, CPR techniques, and the importance of early defibrillation in saving lives.

As part of raising the awareness of Restart a Heart Day, St John NT will be offering free Nationally Recognised Training by offering CPR courses throughout the month of October, ideal for first time students or those refreshing their skills.

Bookings can be made directly through St John NT by calling 8922 6260 and mentioning Restart a Heart Day CPR courses.

Monday, 16 October is international Restart a Heart Day – a global initiative to raise awareness and educate the community on the importance of learning CPR and having access to AEDs in the community.

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