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Media Releases | St John Ambulance
70 Years of advancing youth in the Territory
  31 Jan 2025

St John NT has taken a step back in time by opening a time capsule to celebrate a milestone of empowering the Territory’s youth with leadership opportunities and resilience through learning first aid.

Established on January 6, 1955 this year marks the 70th Anniversary of the St John NT Darwin Youth Division.

St John NT Volunteer Commissioner Warren Purse said the event celebrated the proud legacy of the St John NT Youth Program and growing the next generation of paramedics and healthcare professionals to care for the community.

“Under the leadership of several dedicated Divisional Superintendents over the years, the Darwin Youth Division has flourished into what it is today—one of our strongest, largest, and most vibrant divisions,” he said.

“From humble beginnings, today, we have 175 youth members under the age of 18 across seven divisions throughout the Northern Territory, with our youth recently receiving national recognition, when the team from the Territory was crowned winners of the National Cadet Competition last year.”

St John Youth Member Chloe Ferguson who has been involved in the St John Youth Program from the age of 8-years-old said the program had not only provided her with life-saving first aid skills, but confidence and leadership skills.

“I really enjoy volunteering, giving back to the community and gaining new skills that have benefits to all aspects of my life,” Chloe said.

“As a youth member I have had the opportunity be an Ambassador for NT Youth Week, and Palmerston Youth Week, along with opportunities to lead youth members as part of national competitions across Australia.”

Mr Purse said St John NT was proud of their legacy of empowering NT youth with leadership opportunities, interest and proficiency courses, and helping build resilience through learning first aid.

“These experiences not only prepare members with life-skills for the challenges ahead but also set the foundation for them to take on future roles in the community,” he said. “We congratulate the Darwin Youth Division on their 70th Anniversary and hope it continues to grow, inspire, and thrive for many more years to come.”

St John Youth Members are a growth area for future St John Volunteers and health industry professionals and assist in providing a critical service to the running of safe community events.

For more information about the St John Youth Program visit

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